My Latest Book

The final installment of the Shooters Roll trilogy
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My Current Books

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Leadership: A View From the Middle

Now self published. Second Edition

The book presents my views of leadership over two long careers, one that was twenty-five years in the U.S. Air Force and the other, ten years in the civilian workforce.  It was written in storytelling form, with each chapter presenting a real-life experience from my career. Integrated into each chapter is a lesson about leadership that I believe will be helpful to those seeking answers in the leadership realm.

Available on Amazon in paperback for $13.99 or Kindle for $5.99

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Teachers and Coaches

Anyone can be a teacher, but not everyone has the internal fortitude and drive to make a career of it. It takes a special person to be a teacher or coach, someone who not only has the yearning to make a difference in the lives of others, but also has the aptitude to become a leader.

Available on Amazon in paperback for $7.99 or Kindle for $2.99

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Persian Tomcats

A story about piloting and maintaining the F-16 Viper, we join First Lieutenant Victoria “Shirley” MacMillan as she completes the USAF F-16 Basic Course, becoming a full-fledged Viper Driver. She is assigned to the 55th Fighter Squadron “Shooters” at Shaw Air Force Base, where she meets Staff Sergeant Christopher Gray, an aircraft maintainer in the 55th Aircraft Maintenance Unit. The two of them play key roles in the conflict to come, attempting to stop Iran’s Persian Tomcats.

Cover art by Peter Chilelli. Check out his site here.

Order now for Kindle, paperback or hardcover

To order a signed hardcover for $24.99 plus $5 shipping, email me here.

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Available on Amazon in hardcover for $24.99, paperback for $18.99 or Kindle for $6.99

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The Last Persian Tomcat

Join former Persian Tomcat pilot Moein Mahmoudi, Staff Sergeant Chris Gray, and First Lieutenant Victoria “Crusher” MacMillan in a life and death race against time to prevent Iran from using the new weapon against American forces in Iraq.

Cover art by Peter Chilelli. Check out his site here.

Order now for Kindle, paperback or hardcover

To order a signed hardcover for $21.99 plus $5 shipping, email me here.

U.S. addresses only.

Available on Amazon in hardcover for $21.99, paperback for $15.99 or Kindle for $6.99

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